My always interesting ride on the public transit is to thank for today's post.
We have all been the entertained and sometimes alarmed third party in an awkward phone conversation. We usually decide how to respond depending on the pieces of the conversation that we can understand and decipher while sitting near by or in passing. We might even want to hear the conversation. But for every handful of truely entertaining conversations we come across, there is always that one that we could have gone to the grave without. My personal pick: The Unprotected Phone Sex Conversation.
Last night was my most recent experience as the above "alarmed third party". Long story short some loud ( I wasn't the only one turning around) average looking guy in the back of the bus continues on with a conversation involving someone named TiTi, a possible nickname for them ( which he said he couldn't comment on while on the bus) and some act that he also couldn't do because he was on the bus "in the middle of the road" and there wasn't "enough room" for that.
I think each person "caught" participating in the act that I was unfortunate enough to be apart of last night should be brought up on criminal charges, maybe something like indecent exposure, hell anything to save my ears next time.